Outline costs

Hygiene Appointment

£60 per 45-minute appointment

Initial consultation


Additional consultation
from £50.

Record collection (photographs, study models and radiographs)

Fixed appliances
Metal brackets - from £1800 for children under 18, and from £2500 for adults. Ceramic (tooth coloured) brackets – an additional £200 per arch i.e. £400 for both upper and lower teeth. Lingual (on the inside of your teeth next to your tongue) brackets - from £8000 for upper and lower teeth.

From £3500. The fees include the Invisalign treatment plus one set of retainers and two retainer review appointments at three months and twelve months after the appliances have been removed.

From £35

Removable retainer from £50 each Bonded retainer from £150 each Bonded retainer repair from £20 per tooth


Inspire Orthodontics offer a number of payment options to help make your treatment more easily affordable. Please get in touch for an initial consultation and these can be explained in more detail.


  • Free initial consultations +

    Inspire Orthodontics offer free initial consultations. There is no commitment and no charge, so come and have an informal discussion with our Consultant Orthodontist about your teeth and the possible treatment options.

    Read More
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Contact us

Inspire Orthodontics,
73-75 Estcourt Road,
Salisbury, SP1 3AX

01722 410528

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