Our staff

Annalise McNair Annalise McNair

Senior Clinician

Annalise McNair
BDS, MFDS RCPS(Glasg), MSc(Ply), MOrth RCS(Ed), DDS(Bris), FDSOrth RCS(Ed)

GDC Registration 72964

Annalise McNair qualified from Glasgow Dental School in 1997 and undertook postgraduate training in Cornwall, Plymouth, Bristol, Sheffield and Derby. During this period she was presented with the 2004 British Orthodontic Traders and Laboratories Award for her research into Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction. In 2007 she qualified as a Consultant and after working in Derby, was appointed as the Orthodontic Consultant at Salisbury District Hospital in October 2008. As well as being Senior Clinician she is also part owner of Inspire Orthodontics along with her husband, Ian.



Vicky Gurd

GDC Registration 5385


Vicky qualified as a Dental Hygienist from Guys and St Thomas London in 1998. Vicky has worked in NHS and Private clinics throughout her 40 year career in dentisty. She has two children and enjoys gardening and walks in the New Forest.



  • Free initial consultations +

    Inspire Orthodontics offer free initial consultations. There is no commitment and no charge, so come and have an informal discussion with our Consultant Orthodontist about your teeth and the possible treatment options.

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Contact us

Inspire Orthodontics,
73-75 Estcourt Road,
Salisbury, SP1 3AX

01722 410528

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