
Complaints Procedure

The practice tries to see that patients are pleased with their experience of our service but ensures complaints are resolved in a fair, open, courteous manner as quickly as possible. The practice hopes to learn from every mistake and responds to customers’ concerns in an effective and sensitive way. This approach is vital in achieving an enduring resolution to the conflict for all parties concerned.

The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is the Practice Manager.

If a patient complains by telephone or in person, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to the Practice Manager immediately and if not available, the Practice Owner. If neither are immediately available, or if the complainant does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, details of the complaint should be taken and arrangements should be made for the member of staff will make a written record of your complaint and provide the patient with a copy as well as passing it on to the Practice Manager Practice Manager, or Owner, to contact them by telephone as soon as possible.

If the patient complains in writing or by email, it will be passed on immediately to the Practice Manager.

The Practice Manager or Owner will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of our code of practice as soon as possible, normally within two working days. The Practice Manager will investigate the complaint by conducting a significant events analysis within ten working days. Immediately after completing the investigation the Practice Manager or Owner will inform the complainant in writing of the results of the investigation, actions taken, proposed resolution and further options available if they wish to continue the complaint. When a resolution is reached, the complainant should be asked to confirm this by signing an appropriate document.

In the event that a meeting is deemed to be necessary between the complainant and the practice, the Practice Manager will be present to take notes of the meeting. These notes will be signed by all present including the complainant at the time of the meeting as a true record of all that has been discussed at that meeting.

Throughout the process the complainant is to be kept appraised of the progress of the complaint. Should there be a delay in the process the complainant is to be informed immediately. Comprehensive records of all complaints are kept by the Practice Manager for seven years.

If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be referred to:

  • The Dental Complaints Service, The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Greater London CR9 2ER, 08456 120 540 or www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk for complaints about private treatment.
  • The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ the dentists' registration body.



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Contact us

Inspire Orthodontics,
73-75 Estcourt Road,
Salisbury, SP1 3AX

01722 410528

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